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Schenk House, 4 Park Road


















The Hampton Inn and Corliss Park Apartments are now located on the properties once owned by Otto Schenk and several other prominent families. Beginning around 1913, Schenk (1863 – 1933) and his wife, Katherine Schmidt Schenk, lived at what was then called 4 Park Road. He was the son of Frederick and Sophia Liepoldt Schenk. After attending public schools in Wheeling and then Wheeling Business College, he entered the family’s meat packing business, F. Schenk and Sons, and was vice president at the time of his death.


In addition to a wide variety of business interests, Schenk was known for his philanthropy. It is estimated that he contributed more than $100,000 toward the development of Wheeling Park, including a gift of $50,000 to purchase the grounds for the city. He also donated significantly to Oglebay Park, and was the first chairman of the Wheeling Park Commission. To celebrate his sixty-fifth birthday, Schenk divided $1,000,000 among approximately 30 nieces and nephews. Not having children of his own, Schenk stated that he didn’t want to wait until he was gone to distribute part of his fortune and enable his relatives to enjoy it.


HIs hosue was designed by well-known Wheeling architect F.F. Faris. Following the death of Katherine Schenk, Robert J. and Martha Appell Armbrecht purchased 4 Park Road in 1943. Armbrecht (1900 – 1985) was a medical doctor who practiced in South Wheeling for 47 years, served on the staffs of Wheeling Hospital and Ohio Valley Medical Center, and was president of the Ohio County Medical Society.

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